Learning More About Information Security With Ido Fishman

Every now and then we come across terms such as information assurance, information security and cyber security. According Ido Fishman if you are pro technology and virtual businesses then it is essential that you understand these terms. Our focus shall be on information security since that is the most important when it comes to any activity on the internet.

What is Information

In order to appreciate either of the terms it is first important to understand what information is and why it needs protection. Information is the most important source of any platform, network or company to perform operations. These platforms or companies no matter how big or small collect and store huge volumes of confidential information. The data should be properly secured because any negligence can land your information into the wrong hands. The information could either be someone’s personal details or some confidential information.

Companies collect data from the users and on behalf of them take that data to financial institutions. Where blockchains are involved this data and information is directly collected by the network. The information could vary from employee details to customer details to researches to financial operations. Most of this information is collected, processed and stored in computer making sure that it doesn’t go in the wrong hands.

Information Assurance and Information Security

We actually see that information assurance and information security are essentially the same and that they deal with more of a holistic approach of securing data. Where information assurances manages risks related to storage and transmission information security protects against the unauthorized use of information especially electronic data. Information assurance and information security specifically protect the physical elements of security unlike cyber security which is much more focused on the virtual world.

In essence information security means protecting information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disruption or destruction. It includes network security, application and database security.

Aims and Objectives of Information Security

Information security allows you to protect your data and information which includes raw data as well as organized data. Amongst the many objectives of information security management one objective is to prevent unauthorized accesses which means allowing authorized and unapproving the unauthorized accesses. Another aim is to provide effective security measures at strategic, tactical and operational organizational levels. So strategically, tactically an operational level managements also will be having accesses which document needs to have access.

Fundamental Principles of Information Security

Ido Fishman notes that the critical characteristics of information security are availability, confidentiality and integrity. An information security program should be created to achieve at least one of these characteristics. Assume that a client is requesting a server and availability of that server is the main goal. Availability is the technique in which the data and information will be ready for use when expected. This method ensures that the information is made available to authorized person as and when needed.

Confidentiality relates to privacy and secrecy and refers to the process of protecting the data being transmitted from all types of passive attacks. All information that is confidential must be kept secured and not leaked. Integrity is the checking of the veracity of the data or information so shared. It is usually phrased in term of protecting improper or unauthorized change.

Parting Words

In this time when reliance and dependence on the internet is on its peak it important that one knows what they are getting themselves into. People are increasingly using online platforms for exchange of financial assets and these platforms often require private and confidential information. It is therefore, of utmost importance that before sharing any kind of information you check their privacy policy which is part of the information security program. Information security ensures that the data on the website, platform or network is protected and not being used by someone who is not authorized to use it.

We keep adding to Ido Fishman’s insights on information security, protection of data, privacy policy and much more. For more information of information security or the like you can visit our website where you will have access to different pages offering much more.